Below is a list of club rules that all students of Kuk Sool Won of North Birmingham must follow. We ask that parents and guardians also help to implement these:
-Always show proper respect to your instructor, your club, and to yourself.
-Always refer to male instructors as “Sir”, and female instructors as “Ma’am”, or by their appropriate titles.
-When you enter and leave the Dojahng (training hall), bow towards the flags and the highest ranking instructor in the room.
-Always be at class on time. If you are late, ask the instructor for permission to join the class.
-Attend class on a regular basis. If you are unable to make class, let us know in advance.
-Keep your uniform neat, clean and odour free.
-A black t-shirt must be worn under your uniform.
-Always wear your full uniform, including belt, to class. If it is warm, you may ask the instructor’s permission to remove your jacket after the opening bows.
-No jewellery is to be worn whilst practicing.
-No unauthorised teaching between classmates.
-No offensive language is to be used in the Dojahng.
-You must not practice Kuk Sool Won at school, or with your friends. Only practice at home with your parents’/guardians’ permission.
-Come to class clean and well groomed, with nails trimmed and long hair tied back.
-Ask for your instructor’s permission before practicing with weapons – weapons are not usually taught until brown belt level.
-We need more practice!